As you research dog breeds to own, you’ll probably come across quite a few Doodle breeds! Designer dogs like the Labradoodle, Cockapoo, Goldendoodle, and others are gaining in popularity for many reasons. They’re largely hypoallergenic dogs, and they’re smart, highly trainable, and loving companions.
If you’ve begun your search for a new dog, you may be curious about Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle characteristics. Which is better for your family?
Today, we’re going to take a look at Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle dog breeds. We understand keeping all of these breeds straight is a chore, but you don’t have to do it alone! We hope that this guide will act as an informative resource to help you understand the difference between the Cockapoo and the Goldendoodle – or maybe just understand each of these breeds.
We will keep it short and sweet here, with relevant details about each dog. Here’s a quick summary of the Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle before we dive into the details:
- A standard sized Cockapoo will be smaller than a standard-sized Goldendoodle. This is in fact one of the biggest differences. If you’re looking for a smaller dog then you should get a Cockapoo.
- Goldendoodles are generally more active than the Cockapoo. Bred from two working dog breeds, the Goldendoodle will want to live an active style when compared to the Cockapoo.
- Both the Goldendoodle or Cockapoo will need to be regularly groomed. They are both considered low shedding and hypoallergenic dog breeds. Regular haircuts, brushing, and combing are going to be required. Cockapoos generally shed less than a Goldendoodle.
- The Goldendoodle is generally considered the smarter and easier dog to train. However, the Cockapoo is also a smart dog breed. Fun fact: Poodles are one of the smartest dog breeds in the world.
What is a Cockapoo?
The Cockapoo is a small designer breed that is perhaps one of the first Doodles ever bred. These dogs date back to the 1980s when owners looking for a hypoallergenic and non-shedding service dog. A Cockapoo is a hybrid breed between a Poodle and a Cocker Spaniel.
The resulting puppies have goofy, fun-loving personalities, and they’re smart and very easy to train. Cockapoos love people, they are playful, and they are intelligent! Cockapoo dogs get very attached to their family and humans and love to be shown affection.
Cockapoos have gorgeous coats that are a mix between curls and long-haired coats. They shed very little and are considered to be a hypoallergenic breed. The combination of the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle results in a small breed that falls somewhere between miniature Poodle and Spaniel sizes.
What is the Goldendoodle?
The Goldendoodle is another designer dog breed; it’s a cross between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. You typically get that beautiful golden long hair mixed with Poodle curls and the result is unique. This is perhaps the most popular crossbred dog breed in the world and it continues to become more and more sought after.
This breed is docile and really easy to work with. Goldendoodles are great even if you have never raised a dog before because they are extremely obedient. They tend to be medium to large dogs, but there are some miniature Goldendoodle breeds out there as well. They are super smart and very lovable dogs. This long-haired dog is also a hypoallergenic dog that sheds very little.
Goldendoodles make ideal family dogs but they also do well as working dogs. They are commonly utilized as therapy and service dogs because of their intelligence and steady temperament. In addition, the Goldendoodle is also very loyal, a popular trait from the Golden Retriever.
The Goldendoodle was first bred around 1990, but they have become more and more popular over the years as they are discovered by families in need of a smart, hypoallergenic breed.
Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle: Size
Cockapoos and Goldendoodles can both vary in size. It really ultimately depends on the sizes of the parents and there are a lot of varying factors overall. In general, the Goldendoodle tends to be a large breed or even possibly on the high-end of the spectrum of a medium breed. This will depend on the parents and whether any mini or toy Poodle parent was used for breeding.
Standard Goldendoodles are not overly tall and stand around 2 feet in height at the top of their heads. They can be large and sturdy dogs and the standard size weighs anywhere from 50 to 90 pounds overall.
In general, the Goldendoodle is considered a medium to large dog. The only exceptions are if you see a specified smaller crossbreed, which will be most likely labeled as mini, teacup, or micro Goldendoodle.
Cockapoos, on the other hand, are small to medium dogs. They tend to have a stature more similar to that of the Cocker Spaniel. Their height can be anywhere from 10-18 inches. These dogs are slim in stature and not as sturdy so they weigh considerably less than a Goldendoodle.
A Cockapoo is likely to weigh anywhere from 19 to 30 pounds. Again, this depends primarily on the parents that were used in the breeding process. While they are not tiny or mini, they fall more towards a medium-sized dog breed. Just like with the Goldendoodle, there are mini and toy sizes that are bred.
Goldendoodle vs Cockapoo: Temperament
Temperament is something every dog parent wants to consider. Are the dogs friendly? Do they get along with other pets? Are they easy-going? Are they territorial? Are they affectionate? These are all important considerations when making the Goldendoodle vs Cockapoo decision.
The good news is that Cocker Spaniels, Poodles, and Goldens are loyal, loving, and affectionate dogs. The result of crossbreeding is that the Cockapoo and the Goldendoodle are incredibly smart and extremely loyal.
They tend to be easy-going and laid back with happy and loving temperaments overall. Goldendoodles are known for occasionally acting out because of boredom, but if you keep them entertained this shouldn’t be a huge issue.
Cockapoos like to be close to their owners. They almost become your shadow and they worry when you are away. Goldendoodles love affection, but they don’t necessarily have to be right next to you at all times like the Cockapoo.
Both the Cockapoo and Goldendoodle are playful dogs, but they don’t require an extensive amount of running or play time to keep them out of trouble. It is recommended that Goldendoodles get about 60 minutes of exercise per day, while Cockapoos only need about 30 minutes per day.
Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle: Life Span
Designer breeds and crossbreeds have, in the past, gotten a bad reputation for their life spans. It seems like they don’t always live as long as other breeds and it’s almost like we expect them to have health issues or simply live fewer years.
The good news is that both the Goldendoodle and the Cockapoo have pretty decent lifespans. They are also pretty similar overall. The Cockapoo average lifespan is anywhere from 12-15 years. The average lifespan of the Goldendoodle is anywhere from 10-15 years. Both of these are decent life spans. In general, smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger dogs because they develop fewer health issues.
Goldendoodle vs Cockapoo: Health
Unfortunately, crossbreeds do tend to be more prone to various health issues. While it is possible that your dog will never experience issues, there are some to be aware of for both the Goldendoodle and Cockapoo. Many breeders have parents tested for potential health issues as a means to reduce or prevent the likelihood of the puppies they produce from having major health issues.
That being said, there is still always the possibility of facing a health issue that could be costly to medicate or treat. Cockapoos tend to have more severe health concerns. Remember that not all Cockapoos deal with these; however, common health ailments of the Cockapoo include issues like heart disease, liver disease, epilepsy, and dental struggles.
Goldendoodles are not without health risks. Goldendoodles are more likely to suffer from hip problems. They might also have skin conditions and sensitivities or eye conditions. These are the most common and most known possible health ailments in Goldendoodles.
Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle: Appearance
This is where you will find perhaps the biggest difference in the Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle. Understanding the difference in their looks will make a much larger difference in understanding the difference between the two breeds.
First, let’s talk about the colors. Both the Goldendoodle and Cockapoo have quite an assortment of colors. The colors are mostly portrayed by the colors of the parents used in the breeding process. Both breeds commonly have puppies that are blonde, black, brown, or bi-colored and tri-colored blends.
If you look at the overall appearance, Goldendoodles are slightly larger. They tend to be tall and lean, but also sturdy and muscular. They are larger than Cockapoos in build and overall size.
Cockapoos tend to be a more compact size in comparison to Goldendoodles. They tend to have a more petite build that is slim and not as tall.
The coats can vary for both breeds, but you can typically expect a slightly long coat that has curl and waves. The curls won’t be as tight as the Poodle’s but are rather the perfect blend of the coat from the Poodle and the long-haired parent.
Both dogs are considered hypoallergenic. While they do shed some, their shedding is slim to none. Cockapoos have been said to not shed at all, but Goldendoodles may shed slightly. Either way, the dogs are hypoallergenic and even the Goldendoodles that shed, do so very lightly.
Cockapoo vs. Goldendoodle: Grooming
The long, curly coats seem like they might require a lot of grooming for both breeds, but it’s not overwhelming. Goldendoodles typically do require more frequent grooming than Cockapoos since they have more hair.
Goldendoodles need to have their hair brushed frequently, particularly since it is possible for them to shed lightly. You should plan to simply brush their hair at least a few times every week to keep shedding to a minimum and to keep their coats healthy and nice-looking.
A Goldendoodle will need more extensive grooming like hair trimming and bathing every six to eight weeks. You can use a professional groomer or you can purchase the equipment to take care of grooming on your own. It is ok to bathe your Goldendoodle in between official grooming sessions, but it is important not to bathe them too often as this could irritate their skin.
Cockapoos do not need to be groomed as often as the Goldendoodle, but they still need to be groomed. Since they are non-shedding dogs, you should aim to brush them at least a couple of times per week to prevent tangles and mats. In addition, you will likely want to take them to get a haircut every 6 to 12 weeks.
Cockapoos sometimes struggle with ear infections so try to clean their ears regularly to avoid ear infections. This just happens because they have hanging ears that need to be kept clean. Official grooming and trimming only needs to happen every three months. You can do baths in between but it is not required and should be kept to a minimum.
Goldendoodle vs Cockapoo: Training
Both of the Cockapoo and Goldendoodle breeds are very intelligent and therefore also very easy to train. They are pretty easy-going and not overly stubborn. They love praise and affection and this works well to get them trained. Treats and positive praise might be all that you need to effectively train them.
Goldendoodles are sometimes used for service and therapy dogs. That training will look a little bit different since it requires special training. The biggest struggle is leaving them alone and some of them get a reputation for being destructive around the house, but if you plan and know how to work with them they are great dogs. Just remember to exercise them and provide lots of mental stimulation.
Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle: Costs
These dogs are relatively expensive over the duration of their life. The initial cost for a Cockapoo or Goldendoodle is going to be at least $2,000 unless you find a pup in a rescue or shelter. In addition, you might need to spend some money upfront for supplies and you should plan to buy high-quality food.
Grooming and potentially healthcare are perhaps the most expensive needs for Goldendoodles and Cockapoos, but these can be planned for and accommodated much more easily overall. Proper care and general day-to-day care is not excessive as far as costs go. You can even purchase pet insurance to help mitigate a large medical bill.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Goldendoodles and Cockapoos high maintenance dogs?
Overall, whether you get a Goldendoodle or a Cockapoo, you’ll be adopting an intelligent dog. That means potty training, obedience training, and similar aspects will be quite easy. The Goldendoodle will need a bit more grooming than the Cockapoo, but the investment you can expect to make into grooming your dog is still minimal as compared to other breeds. All this to say that both designer dogs are relatively easy to maintain and are fairly low-maintenance dogs.
Why are Goldendoodles and Cockapoos so expensive?
Designer dogs and Doodle breeds are gaining in popularity, and the demand for these dogs is causing the upfront price to rise! Unfortunately, dogs available for “cheap” prices are typically born and raised in puppy mills, meaning the health of the dogs is in question.
Do yourself a favor and save up for a quality dog. A good breeder will health check and health test her dams and sires before breeding them to ensure you’re getting the healthiest puppy possible.
Do Cockapoos and Goldendoodles bark a lot?
As puppies, Cockapoos and Goldendoodles can be a bit vocal. As the dogs grow, however, they grow into “chill” adults that will only alert you to perceived danger – they’re not exceptionally loud or yappy.
Enroll your pup in obedience training from an early age, if possible, to help mitigate barking later in life. Overall, though, both designer breeds will do just fine in apartments or other smaller spaces where they’ll be required to keep their noise to a minimum.
Conclusion for Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle
Either the Goldendoodle or Cockapoo will great family companion pets. However, the Cockapoo is a lot smaller than the Goldendoodle. If you’re looking for a smaller Doodle dog and don’t live an active lifestyle, we would suggest that you get a Cockapoo. While they still need exercise, they don’t require nearly as much as a Goldendoodle. Search our blog for reputable breeders in your state!
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Garrett loves animals and is a huge advocate for all Doodle dog breeds. He owns his own Goldendoodle named Kona. In addition, he volunteers at the Humane Society of Silicon Valley, where he fosters dogs and helps animals. Garrett enjoys writing about Doodles and believes that dogs can teach humans more about how to live than humans can teach a dog.
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