Here’s what you need to know about the Bernedoodle before further exploring an unfurnished Bernedoodle. Bernedoodles are companion dogs, not for show, and need a lot of attention. They are the products of Poodles, who have furnished coats, and Bernese Mountain Dogs, who do not.
Look at unfurnished Bernedoodle pictures and see if you can spot something missing. Unfurnished Bernedoodles lack something that their furnished relatives have. Facial hair! Outside the breeding community, unfurnished Bernedoodles are uncommon, making up only about 5% of the Doodles.
They are as adorable as traditional Bernedoodles and will make your heart melt. Unfurnished Bernedoodles are born of parents with different coat genes, which you will learn about in this article. Like other breeds, unfurnished Bernedoodles are loveable, intelligent, and loyal to their owners. Their sweet dispositions make them perfect family dogs.
Before scrolling down this unfurnished Bernedoodle guide, you can learn more about the Bernedoodle dog breed by checking out these guides from our team at We Love Doodles: Bernedoodle Pros and Cons and Interesting Facts About The Teacup Mini Bernedoodle.
Furnished vs. Unfurnished Bernedoodle Coats
The big difference between a furnished and unfurnished Bernedoodle is facial hair, such as a mustache, beard, and thick eyebrows. Bernedoodles are notorious for their facial hair, or coat furnishings, mimicking fluffy teddy bears. Furnished Bernedoodles look like Poodles, while unfurnished Bernedoodles resemble Bernese Mountain Dogs.
You might notice from looking at unfurnished Bernedoodle pictures that they can also vary in size depending on the size of the parent Poodle. Unfurnished Bernedoodles differ from the furnished version by the absence of beards and excess facial fur. Their faces are smooth, giving the less shaggy look you often see in a typical Bernedoodle.
Their coats can be curly but not as thick and heavy as the furnished variety. Be mindful that flat fur on unfurnished Bernedoodles does not necessarily make them hypoallergenic. They do not shed as much but may still put off some dander when they do. Unfurnished Bernedoodle pictures will give you an idea of what these dogs look like compared to their counterparts.
Related: Bernedoodle Colors Guide and Do Bernedoodles Shed?
Advantages of Unfurnished Coats For Bernedoodles
The advantages of unfurnished coats include:
- Bernedoodles shed less, making them better for those with dander allergies
- Bernedoodles are easier to maintain, not requiring a trip to the dog groomer
- There is less risk of trapping dirt, burs, or mites
- Bernedoodles provide a longer lifespan for the dog
- Bernedoodles are more hygienic
The Science Behind the Unfurnished Coat For Bernedoodles
The FF trait, or furnishing trait, is a dominant gene. The only way to know if the Bernedoodles of a breeder can produce unfurnished puppies is through genetic testing. How does an unfurnished Bernedoodle get its smooth face? This fur of a Bernedoodle depends on the genetic RSPO2 gene, ff or IC, which stands for an incomplete coat.
Improper coat testing can help determine which puppies will lack facial hair. In Bernedoodles, a parent with the F1 (furnished) gene, as seen in Poodles, breeds with a parent containing an IC (incomplete or unfurnished) gene, such as the Bernese mountain dog, and can produce offspring of both types. One litter can include furnished and unfurnished Bernedoodle puppies.
Signs of an Unfurnished Coat in Bernedoodle Puppies Without Testing
Another name for incomplete coats is flat coats. Although they can look different from furnished Bernedoodles, these puppies belong to the same family. Without genetic testing, there are ways to distinguish unfurnished Bernedoodles, including:
- Normal length eyelashes
- Short hair on the snout, chin, and around the eyes
- Little to no wave on the forehead, ears, and other parts of the coat
Caring For an Unfurnished Bernedoodle
Taking care of unfurnished Bernedoodles is the same as other Bernedoodles. The primary difference is the maintenance of their coats.
- Grooming a Bernedoodle: Since unfurnished Bernedoodles do not typically shed as much as those with curly fur, there are fewer trips to a professional groomer. It is pertinent to brush them regularly to avoid tangles, but a standard dog brush should suffice.
- Bernedoodle’s Diet: One crucial aspect of caring for your unfurnished Bernedoodle is feeding it an appropriate diet. Bernedoodle dogs need digestible proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for healthy coats. Part of a balanced diet is limiting your dog to twice-a-day feedings for weight control. Bernedoodles are prone to health problems limiting their activity, namely hip and elbow dysplasia, and watching caloric intake can reduce those tendencies.
- Bernedoodle Calories: The calories of a balanced diet provide the energy a growing dog needs. How do all of those nutrients contribute to a healthy unfurnished coat? They retain moisture that helps make the fur shine and prevent irritation on the skin from scratching. There may also be less chance of shedding when the coat receives appropriate hydration.
- Feeding Your Bernedoodle Protein: A dog’s fur comprises approximately 95% protein. Research has shown that 25-30 percent of the protein a dog eats supports its coat and skin. A lack of protein may lead to dry, thin fur that can easily break.
- Lipids: As essential fatty acids, lipids help the dog’s body block allergens and lubricate the skin, preventing inflammation. Your unfurnished Bernedoodle may start scratching, shed more, or develop bacterial or yeast infections if it lacks adequate fatty acids.
- Feeding Your Bernedoodle Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins E and A contribute to your dog’s fur health by helping the body fight inflammation and promote normal skin and coat cell growth. Minerals that also help are copper, zinc, iodine, selenium, and manganese.
- Training Your Bernedoodle Properly: Bernedoodles are trainable, but the ease of training varies depending on their personalities. They respond well to treats and should receive plenty of positive reinforcement during training. Training them as puppies will make them well-behaved dogs as adults.
- Exercising Your Bernedoodle: Bernedoodles require exercise and should have the opportunity to run around an enclosed yard or park to catch a frisbee or play fetch or chase. Unfurnished Bernedoodles like daily walks as much as their counterparts. Since these dogs have flatter coats, they may not attract leaves, hay, or other debris while walking or running.
- Giving Your Bernedoodle Affection: Bernedoodles need your attention and will suffer from separation anxiety if you leave them for too long. They love to accompany their owners on walks and play outside and resort to cuddling later. They also become weary of strangers, so introducing them to other dogs early in life will help them become more sociable as they grow.
- Your Bernedoodle’s Temperament: Bernedoodles are intelligent, loyal, affectionate dogs that love to please their owners but can be stubborn sometimes. There are two sides to these dogs. Their Poodle side makes them intelligent and energetic, while the Bernese trait renders them sweet and loyal. Since they are part Bernese, they are gentle around kids and the elderly and make perfect therapy dogs.
Related: How to Groom a Bernedoodle and Best Brushes For a Bernedoodle.
How to Tell if Your Unfurnished Bernedoodle is Healthy
Bernedoodles are susceptible to health problems, especially cross-breeds. The breeder should put each parent through testing before breeding the dogs. The Bernese mountain dog and Poodles have specific health tests:
- Hip and elbow evaluations
- Eye tests
- Cardiac exams
- Von Willebrand’s DNA testing
- Hip evaluation (mini and standard sizes)
- Patella evaluation (mini and toy sizes)
- PRA Optigen DNA test (mini and toy sizes)
- Eye exams
Conclusion For “What is an Unfurnished Bernedoodle”
Unfurnished Bernedoodles lack facial hair and have smooth faces. They do not have the teddy bear look that furnished doodles possess but are just as snuggly. They can be born in a litter with furnished siblings. They do not shed as much as those with curly facial hair and do not require routine trips to a groomer.
Unfurnished Bernedoodles need the same care as their relatives, including two nutritious meals a day and plenty of exercises. Bernedoodles are prone to illness, meaning the parent dogs should undergo specific health testing before breeding.
Hip, elbow, and patella dysplasia are health problems the puppies could experience as adults. Before adopting a Bernedoodle, ensure the breeder has tested the parents so that you know what unfurnished Bernedoodle you are getting.
Now that you learned about an unfurnished Bernedoodle, you can check out these other Bernedoodle guides from our team at We Love Doodles:
You can learn more about an unfurnished Bernedoodle by watching “Is My Puppy Furnished or Unfurnished” down below:
Andy is a full-time animal rescuer and owner of a toy doodle. When he’s not saving dogs, Andy is one of our core writers and editors. He has been writing about dogs for over a decade. Andy joined our team because he believes that words are powerful tools that can change a dog’s life for the better.
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