In this guide, “Aussiedoodle Straight Hair: Pros and Cons,” we’ll teach you everything you need about an Aussiedoodle’s straight coat. Aussiedoodles are known to be extremely smart, curious, playful, and loyal, so they make excellent pets. As a mixed-breed “designer dog,” the Aussiedoodle combines two different breeds.
To get an Aussiedoodle, breeders cross an Australian Shepherd with a Poodle. It’s hard to predict the exact characteristics of a mixed-breed dog. In an Aussiedoodle litter, some puppies may have a coat more like a Poodle (curly hair) or more like an Australian Shepherd (straight coat).
If you’re considering purchasing an Aussiedoodle puppy, you’re probably wondering whether you should go for one with a curly or straight coat. Here we’ll discuss Aussiedoodle straight hair coats, including their pros and cons.
Before you scroll further down this guide, “Aussiedoodle Straight Hair: Pros and Cons,” you can check out these other Aussiedoodle guides from our team at We Love Doodles: Aussiedoodle Puppies For Sale in the United States and Best Aussiedoodle Generations.
An Aussiedoodle Straight Hair Coat
Aussiedoodles with straight hair coats often has thick, coarse hair. An Aussiedoodle can come in various colors, including white, gray, brown, black, or a mix of colors. Some Aussiedoodles have an equal amount of curly-haired DNA from their poodle parent and straight-haired DNA from their Aussie parent and end up with a wavy coat instead of being 100% straight or 100% curly.
Related: Furnished vs. Unfurnished Aussiedoodle.
How is a Straight Coat Different from a Curly Coat?
Both Poodles and Australian Shepherd have very thick hair. The main difference is that? Australian Shepherds have thick, straight hair, and Poodles have thick, curly hair. So, no matter the texture of an Ausiedoodle’s hair, it will most likely be thick.
The hair texture depends on which parent dogs had the dominant gene for hair texture. Curly hair on an Ausiedoodle can vary from very tight coils to softer, wavy curls. Straight coats are often still thick, fluffy, and coarse.
If you pet an Ausiedoodle with a curly coat, it will feel like you are petting a sheep. If you pet an Ausiedoodle with a straight coat, it will feel more like a fluffy cat.
Do Aussiedoodles Have Hair or Fur?
First, let’s establish the scientific difference between hair and fur. According to Diffen, hair and fur are chemically indistinguishable. They are identical chemically and are both made of a substance called keratin. However, “hair” and “fur” still invoke different imagery.
Hair is typically soft and long and grows on all mammals. It has a finer texture than fur and appears as fine strands. Fur could be categorized as a type of hair specific to animals. Fur is a thicker coat of hair that is coarse, short, and often fluffy and soft.
For that reason, Ausiedoodles technically have hair and fur since fur is just a subset of hair. However, most of us would typically call it fur because it is in a thick coat all over our bodies, regardless of whether it is straight or curly.
Related: Best Brushes For an Aussiedoodle.
Do Straight Hair Aussiedoodles Shed?
If you have an Aussiedoodle with straight or wavy hair, you can expect them to shed but not as much as a standard Australian Shepherd. Curly-haired Ausiedoodles are much less likely to shed.
For this reason, curly Ausiedoodles are a better option for people with severe allergies. Straight hair Aussiedoodles could be a good option for people with mild allergies because you still get the personality of an Australian Shepherd but without all the shedding.
What Type of Coat Will My Aussiedoodle Have?
The coat type on your Aussiedoodle depends on the dominant gene of the puppy’s parents. If the Poodle has the dominant coat gene, your Aussiedoodle will likely have a curly coat. If the Australian Shepherd has the dominant coat gene, your Aussiedoodle will likely have a straight or wavy coat.
Related: Aussiepoo vs. Aussiedoodle – What’s the Difference?
What is an Aussiedoodle Fleece Coat?
A fleece coat is a soft and wavy coat. This type of coat is unique because it differs from the typically coarse coat of a poodle mix. Fleece coats are also the best option for pet parents with allergies. It isn’t a full curl, but it isn’t straight, either.
How Fast Does Aussiedoodle Hair Grow?
Aussiedoodle fur can take months to grow back. Aussiedoodles, particularly curly Aussiedoodles, require regular grooming. On the plus side, since their fur takes so long to grow, you will not need to spend much money on frequent grooms. On the downside, it will take months to grow back to the cut you love if you do not like your Aussiedoodle’s haircut.
Related: Aussiedoodle Golden Mix Information, Facts, and Images.
How to Groom an Aussiedoodle Straight Coat
Aussiedoodles with straight hair requires daily brushing to avoid mats in their fur. Bath your Aussiedoodle every month to keep their fur clean and healthy. Haircuts, nail trims, and other grooming procedures can be completed every three months. Luckily for you, Aussiedoodles are pretty low-maintenance when it comes to grooming.
Related: How Long Does Dog Grooming Take and How Do You Groom with a Slicker Brush?
Pros and Cons of an Aussiedoodle Straight Coat
- Less shedding than a standard Australian Shepherd
- Maintains the classic Australian Shepherd look
- Grooming is much easier
- They are less expensive than curly coat Aussiedoodles
- A curly coat sheds less, so a straight coat Aussiedoodle may not be a great choice for those with allergies.
- They look less like poodles if you enjoy that look
- While they shed less than standard Australian Shepherds, you will still probably have to clean your house from some light shedding
Do Aussiedoodles Shed Their Puppy Coats?
All Aussiedoodles start with a soft puppy coat that they shed during the first year of their life. This is when their fur becomes more coarse or wooly.
Aussiedoodle Coat Changes
Generally, an Aussiedoodle’s coat will not change even after it sheds its puppy coat. They would still have curly hair if they were born with curly hair. If they have straight hair, they will still have straight hair.
Related: Do Aussiedoodles Have Blue Eyes?
Related Frequently Asked Questions
Can a Poodle Have Straight Hair?
While poodle puppies may appear to have straight or wavy hair, they will almost always curl up as he grows.
What is a Teddy Bear Aussiedoodle Haircut?
The Teddy Bear Aussiedoodle Haircut is a haircut between 1.5 – 3 inches that maintains your dog’s natural texture while letting you see its cute face. The cut rounds their face and gives them a teddy bear appearance.
What is the Rarest Color of Aussiedoodle?
Red Aussiedoodles are the rarest variety of the breed.
Conclusion For “Aussiedoodle Straight Hair: Pros and Cons”
Overall, Aussiedoodles with straight hair make excellent pets that require little maintenance regarding grooming. They’re a great choice for families who love Australian Shepherds but cannot have a standard one due to mild allergies.
If you find this guide, “Aussiedoodle Straight Hair: Pros and Cons,” helpful, you can check out these other Aussiedoodle guides from our team at We Love Doodles:
You can learn more about an Aussiedoodle’s coat by watching “What Kind of Coat Does a First-Generation Aussiedoodle Have” down below:
Andy is a full-time animal rescuer and owner of a toy doodle. When he’s not saving dogs, Andy is one of our core writers and editors. He has been writing about dogs for over a decade. Andy joined our team because he believes that words are powerful tools that can change a dog’s life for the better.
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