If you have a dog, you know they like to find a spot in your home and make it their designated napping spot—even if it’s not where you put their bed! One place I often find my dog sleeping is by a door.
But why does my dog sleep by the door? It can’t be the most comfortable spot. In the winter, my front door is often cold compared to the rest of my home. It’s not cozy either. So, why does my dog sleep by the door?
There are multiple potential reasons why dogs sleep by doors. Let’s go through the most common theories to explain why dogs like sleeping by the door.
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Dogs, and their wolf ancestors, are pack animals. Pack animals have an evolutionary drive to protect their pack. A strong pack means better chances of survival for every member of the pack. Protecting their pack may be a reason your dog sleeps by the door.
Dogs may sleep in front of your door because they know this is the way for anyone to enter and leave the house. To protect their family, they sleep in front of the door to keep anyone and anything from entering or leaving your home.
Dogs have been protecting their owners and property for thousands of years. For example, the Akita is a Japanese breed of dog that has been used since the 1600s to protect its owner’s property. For a while, Akitas even guarded the Japanese Emperor’s residence.
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Separation Anxiety
Although this theory isn’t true for all dogs, it can be the reason why your dog sleeps by your front door or bedroom door. Some dogs experience severe separation anxiety. They get upset when you leave and will greet you overly excited when you arrive home.
Sleeping in front of your door is a way for dogs to remind their owners that they’re there. They don’t want to stay home, or your dog doesn’t want to be forgotten about. Remember, dogs are smart enough to understand the door is where you enter and leave the house. They don’t want you to leave them at home.
Sometimes, your dog’s separation anxiety will be so severe they will sleep outside of your bedroom door at night. If that sounds like your dog, it just means they miss you, and they would rather be closer to you.
Separation anxiety in pets can be a grave condition. If you think your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, take them to a vet that specializes in treating conditions like separation anxiety.
Dog’s are naturally curious creatures. As a dog owner, you know how they love to know what’s going on. Whether they run to the door when they hear a knock or start barking when they hear a car, these are all examples of how curious your dog is!
Sometimes dogs sleep in front of the door because they know that’s where the action is. Instead of sitting away from your door, they sit in front of it. That way, if anything happens, they’ll be the first to know.
So, if you’re wondering why my dog lies in doorways, one reason might be their curiosity. They want to be in the middle of the action, and they know things happen in doorways!
Helps Keep Them Cool
Dog’s fur keeps them warm, but sometimes it can make them too hot. In the summer or when you have the heat too high in the winter, it can make your dog uncomfortably warm. Doorways often have drafts, which can make your dog feel more comfortable.
Front and back doors sometimes have tiled floors, too. Tiled floors are almost always cooler than carpet, so your pup may lay there to get cooler. If your home is warm, don’t be surprised to see your dog lying in front of a doorway.
Waiting For You
Although similar to separation anxiety, if your dog sleeps by the door, it could be a sign they miss you. The difference between your dog waiting for you and experiencing separation anxiety is its behavior. If your dog seems stressed when you leave and overly excited when you arrive, it could suffer anxiety.
But if your dog is acting normal while sleeping next to the door, it could be a sign they miss you and can’t wait for you to get back home. Your dog sleeps in front of the door because that’s where they last saw you.
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Marking Their Territory
Dogs mark their territory in various ways, including the one we all know—urinating. But if you’ve trained your dog, they know they can’t urinate in the house, so they mark their territory differently.
By sleeping in the same spot repeatedly, your dog is marking that spot with its scent. That way, any strange creatures will know they live there, which is a way to protect you and your home.
Dogs rarely mark their territory in a place they feel comfortable. If your dog is marking their territory in your home, think back to any major changes that have occurred lately. An example of this could move to a new home or getting a new roommate.
To Be a Leader
Dogs, as pack animals, have an inherent drive to be the leader of their pack, especially if you have a male dog. If your dog sleeps outside your bedroom door, they feel separated from their family and want to be closer to it.
Sleeping by your front door can mean similar things. They saw their family leave and either want to be with them or near them when they arrive home. Either way, your dog feels left out because their pack isn’t with them.
If you’ve ever wondered why does my dog sleep by the door, it could be as simple as their comfort. Although we don’t know for certain, your dog may have picked a spot in front of a door because it’s just the most comfortable place in the house.
The doorway could be more comfortable for a multitude of reasons. Some are a mental comfort for your dog. When they sleep on the other side of the bedroom door, it’s a way for them to be close with their family, which could be comforting for them.
The spot could also be physically comfortable. It’s the same reason your dog doesn’t always lie on its bed. They chose that spot because it was the most comfortable place they could find. If your dog likes sleeping in front of the door, it could be their way of showing you where they’re comfortable.
Conclusion for Why Does My Dog Sleep by the Door?
Dogs like sleeping just about anywhere, but one common spot dog owners find their pets are in front of doorways. If your dog lays by the door, it could be a sign of many things, such as separation anxiety, protection, or as a way to mark their territory.
Sadly, we don’t have a concrete answer for why dogs sleep by the door. For now, we can only speculate based on other behaviors, like stress levels, whining, and excitement.
If your dog is sleeping by the door, it’s not a sign you need to be worried about anything. Instead, monitor its behavior for changes in its demeanor. If you see something different about them, it may be best to take them for a check-up. Aside from that, enjoy the fact your dog wants to spend more time with you!
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Garrett loves animals and is a huge advocate for all Doodle dog breeds. He owns his own Goldendoodle named Kona. In addition, he volunteers at the Humane Society of Silicon Valley, where he fosters dogs and helps animals. Garrett enjoys writing about Doodles and believes that dogs can teach humans more about how to live than humans can teach a dog.
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