The Portuguese Water Dog is an intelligent, easily trained breed eager to please. Tight, low-shedding curls define their coat and give them an adorable appearance. Potential owners of this breed wonder what kind of grooming is involved and what Portuguese Water Dog short haircut options are available.
The good news is that you can get several beautiful cuts. Some are more elaborate than others, but a few are simple and practical.
We’ll be going over several attractive Portuguese Water Dog haircut styles and a FAQ to ease any concerns about grooming. Let’s get started!
Before reading this guide “Best Portuguese Water Dog Haircut Styles,” check out: 4 Best Portuguese Water Dog Rescues in the USA! (2023) and 7 Best Portuguese Water Dog Breeders in California! (2023).
1. Lion Cut
The lion cut is the distinctive haircut style for the Portuguese Water Dog. This cut involves allowing the dog’s hair to grow to its natural length in the front, with a clipped muzzle. People find this cut unusual because the back half of the dog is shaved.
But it has a purpose! The working standard cut, this haircut style allows the dog to absorb the shock of cold water and adjust to the temperature of the waves. Historically, the Portuguese Water Dog spent a lot of time in the ocean, helping to herd fish into nets and retrieving equipment for fishermen.
So while the front half of the dog would help insulate them against the cold water shock, the shaved hind quarters would allow more unrestrained movement while swimming. The lion cut is popular among breed enthusiasts and those who want to show off in the ring.
2. Retriever Cut
The retriever cut is a practical Portuguese Water Dog haircut and one that’s easily replicated by groomers all over. It’s even possible for you to achieve this cut at home with enough practice and patience.
The retriever cut involves trimming the dog’s hair to the same length, with the exact length of the coat varying according to your preference. The groomer will trim the muzzle shorter, and the hair on the tail will be left at about 1/3rd of its natural length.
The cut will give your dog a cute puppy look but with a bit of sass that plays up their inquisitive and bright nature.
3. Teddy Cut
The teddy cut is a great short haircut style for the Portuguese Water Dog. Your pet will be given a short and even cut over the entirety of its coat. What defines the teddy cut from other kinds of haircuts for curly-coated dogs is that the face is left rounded.
The rounded cut to the hair around the face gives your dog a soft, cute appearance, much like a teddy bear. It works well on smaller dogs, but it’s a charming and popular style for the Portuguese Water Dog, known for its buoyant energy levels and puppy-like mannerisms.
Your dog will have a cute, fluffy look, and be prepared for warmer weather with this adorable teddy cut.
4. Puppy Cut
The puppy cut can vary, and you should speak to your groomer about what they think a puppy cut is and how they’ll approach it before you proceed. The cut is an overall coat trim, but some will take the cut much shorter. Typically, they’ll take the dog’s coat down until it’s about one to two inches in length.
However, while you may have wanted your Portuguese Water Dog to have an overall short haircut style, one to two inches is rather short. Instead, ask your groomer to leave the coat around three inches. That length will put your dog’s beautiful curls on display while maintaining the cuteness of the puppy cut.
5. Summer Cut
Your Portuguese Water Dog has a glorious curly coat. But sometimes, they will get too hot, even if their coat is a single layer. The summer cut is a practical style for your dog in those situations. The simplicity of the cut also makes it easy for you to learn to do it at home.
You or your groomer will take your pet’s coat down to a short length all over the body. It doesn’t have quite the same style as the teddy or puppy cut, but it’s functional and keeps your pet’s comfort at the forefront. For some owners, this is preferred! Not everyone is looking for cute or sassy.
6. Short Hair Cut
A step beyond the summer cut, which leaves some length, is bringing the coat closer to the body. The short haircut, or a shaved cut, brings the hair of the Portuguese Water Dog very close to the skin.
It’s great for the hot season, and with this cut, you’ll have plenty of time for the coat to grow back in. This feature is advantageous if your dog got an unflattering haircut style earlier in the year. It’s a fresh start! And you can enjoy all the different phases of curls as they grow back in again.
How Do You Give a Portuguese Water Dog a Haircut?
You can use clippers or scissors on your Portuguese Water Dog to give them a shorter haircut style. Clippers are better for the novice dog groomer because you can set the length so that you don’t accidentally cut your dog’s coat shorter than you might want.
Before you start, brush out tangles in your dog’s coat. Spray some water, and then work through tangles with a comb until your dog’s coat is free of obstacles. After this, choose the desired coat length on your clippers and give it a shot.
There is a learning curve, but with patience, you can cut your Portuguese Water Dog on your own. If you decide trimming isn’t something you enjoy, many groomers would be happy to style your dog.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ll cover even more specific questions about Portuguese Water Dog haircut styles below.
The Portuguese Water Dog is blessed with a coat that will continue to grow. As a result, your dog will need continuous grooming and regular haircuts throughout their life.
The Portuguese Water Dog is a working breed that originally assisted fishermen by helping them herd fish into the netting and retrieving equipment from the water.
The ocean can be chilly. So the front half of the dog’s body is left with a long coat to help them deal with cold water shock. The hindquarters, however, are shaven down for unrestrained swimming.
The Portuguese Water Dog’s half-shaven look is known as the lion cut and remains popular in the show ring and working fields to this day.
Yes! You can shave Portuguese Water Dogs. They have a single-layer coat that continuously grows. A traditional cut is the lion cut, which involves shaving the dog’s hindquarters to help with swimming.
Portuguese Water Dogs have hair rather than fur. Their coat is a single layer and can come in either a curly or wavy texture. Their hair continuously grows, and you’ll need to trim it regularly to keep your Portuguese Water Dog in a short haircut style.
Additionally, regular washing, brushing, and detangling will be necessary if you want to avoid mats in longer hairstyles.
Conclusion for “Best Portuguese Water Dog Haircut Styles”
The Portuguese Water Dog is a breed with a beautiful curly or wavy coat, but it’s not without maintenance. You’ll need to wash, brush, and detangle regularly and also maintain the length of their coat to an appropriate degree.
While some may not go for the traditional lion cut for their dog, they can choose from several other lovely short Portuguese Water Dog haircut styles instead. These cuts will give you the cute factor you’re looking for as well as preserve functionality and comfort.
And who knows, you may eventually become an expert at grooming your dog!
For more guides similar to this list showing Portuguese Water Dog haircuts, check out:
- Portuguese Water Dog vs. Poodle: Dog Breed Comparison! (2023)
- 11 Big Curly Haired Dog Breeds! (2023)
- 10 Best Hunting Dogs that Don’t Shed (2023)
Learn more by watching “Grooming a Portuguese Water Dog” down below:
Garrett loves animals and is a huge advocate for all Doodle dog breeds. He owns his own Goldendoodle named Kona. In addition, he volunteers at the Humane Society of Silicon Valley, where he fosters dogs and helps animals. Garrett enjoys writing about Doodles and believes that dogs can teach humans more about how to live than humans can teach a dog.
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