This article provides an in-depth discussion of the changes that can occur in the Goldendoodles coat. You’ll learn everything you need to know about Goldendoodle coat changes. With topics ranging from the changes in puppy coats to nutrition-related to coat changing. This article is here to help you determine why your Goldendoodles coat is getting duller. It’s also here to help you choose the best course of action to brighten your Goldendoodles coat. Whether it’s nutrition, the sun, or improper grooming, there is a multitude of reasons your Goldendoodles coat could be dull. Thankfully, there are many ways to give your dog the best coat possible.
Before scrolling down this article “Goldendoodle Coat Changes Information and Facts,” check out similar guides: Types of Goldendoodle Coats and Straight Hair Goldendoodle Guide.
Goldendoodle Colors
A Goldendoodle is a crossbreed between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. These pets are fun, loving, intelligent, family-friendly dogs. They make great family companions and even service dogs. They come in three sizes of standard, toy, and miniature. They also come in many different coat colors. This includes but is not limited to black, brown, apricot, caramel, grey, silver, etc. Their coat also comes in many styles, from curly, wavy, to even straight hair. The coat color is determined dominantly by the Poodle parent. The fur is relatively low maintenance, with the curly-haired Goldendoodles hardly shedding.
Goldendoodle Color Guides: Chocolate Goldendoodle Guide and Red Goldendoodle Guide.
Reasons For Colors Fading in a Goldendoodle
From aging to simple sun bleaching, there could be many answers to this question, and in this section, we will discuss each one.
1. Age
It’s prevalent for the Goldendoodle to get lighter as they age. This is more common for the lighter-colored Goldendoodles. The black ones tend not to lighten up until the white hairs begin to set in.
Related: When is a Goldendoodle Full Grown and How Long Do Goldendoodles Live?
2. Nutrition
Your dog’s nutrition could be affecting its coat color. If your dog is receiving a poor diet and not taking all the vitamins and minerals they require, that could lead to a cadet coat. It also can lead to a more matted shedding coat due to the lack of vitamins.
Related: Best Puppy Food For a Goldendoodle
3. Sun
The sun can play a role in your Goldendoodles coat color. If your furry friend spends most of their time outside, then it’s likely that their coat will fade. This is due to sun bleach; human hair does this too.
4. Allergies
Allergies can cause your dog to have a dull and patchy coat. If your Goldendoodle is constantly itching and scratching, then it’s likely to irritate their skin. This irritated skin can cause a change in coat color. Allergies also cause a dog to bite ad scratch at its fur. This can lead to patches of missing or matted hair that is not good for the overall coat health of your furry friend.
Related: Best Dog Allergy Test.
5. Illness or Disease
If your dog is ill or carrying a disease, it could cause their coat to fade in color. From yeast infections to rocky mountain spotted fever to even cancer. A sick dog generally has a faded coat. Now, this is on the more extreme side of things, but if you suspect your dog of being ill, then call your veterinarian immediately.
Color Brightening
There are a few reasons your Goldendoodles coat could be brightening. There are also ways to brighten it yourself. This section is going to discuss how seasons, nutrition, and grooming affect your Goldendoodles coat.
1. Seasons
As the seasons change and the sun begin to lessen in intensity, your Goldendoodle could start to brighten. The sun bleach from the summer could wear out, and the original coat color begins to show through. Their fur is likely to be darker in the wintertime than in the summer.
2. Nutrition
If you took the step to improve your dog’s nutrition, you should notice a difference in their coat. It should not only be brightening, but it should become more manageable. It should become noticeable silkier and shinier as well. The proper vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy coat in your Goldendoodle.
3. Grooming
Properly grooming your dog can also improve its coat. By brushing your Goldendoodle daily, not only do you get rid of any mats in the fur, but you are also spreading around essential oils that lie in the fur. By spreading around these oils, you allow the coat to absorb more of them. The result is a shinier dog. Monthly bathes are also recommended to get any hard-to-reach dirt off your dog. Athens ensures your dog is clean and allows for a brighter coat.
Related: Goldendoodle Grooming Guide and Shaving a Goldendoodle (Step-By-Step Guide).
4. Overall Health
The overall health of your dog affects their coat condition. If your dog has just recovered from an illness, then their coat is likely to brighten as they begin feeling better. A healthy dog is producing the proper oils and amino acids needed for a pristine coat. A healthy dog is a happy dog with a fantastic coat.
Nutrition-Related To Coat Changing
As stated earlier, nutrition plays a significant role in your dog’s coat. If your dog is not getting the proper vitamins and minerals, then their coat shows it. From faded colors to a matted coarse coat, there are many indications your dog is not getting the nutrition they deserve. This leads to the question, what is the proper nutrition for my dog? First, omega three fatty acids are essential for coat health. They add a shine to the coat. Your dog needs to have meat as its main diet. Some dog foods have grains as the main ingredient; avoid these dog foods. Not only is grain terrible for your dog, but it also dulls your Goldendoodles coat. Talk to your local veterinarian about the proper diet and nutrition for your dog.
Puppy Coat Changes
Do you ever wonder if your puppy is going to lose that cotton ball-like hair? The answer is yes. They will lose that beautiful soft fur. It eventually will be replaced by a coarser curly fur. The adult coats are typically lighter than the puppy fur. The puppy fur begins to shed from the ages of 6.5 months to 10 months. It can take up to two years for a fully mature adult coat to grow in. Once grown in, the fur is either fuzzy, curly, or smooth.
Conclusion For “Goldendoodle Coat Changes”
All in all, there are many reasons your dogs’ coat could be changing. If your dog’s coat is getting duller, it could be due to improper nutrition, the sun, lack of grooming, etc. If you want to brighten your dog’s coat, make sure you are brushing them daily, bathing them monthly, and giving them the vitamins and minerals they require. Goldendoodles come in many colors and three different coat types. All Goldendoodle puppies start fluffy like a cotton ball. Then as they get older, they look at that soft puppy fur and trade it for a coarser coat. This coat could potentially be curly, wavy, or even straight. Breeders ideally want the wavy coat in the Goldendoodle for its looks and manageability. Hopefully, this Goldendoodle coat changes guide helped you.
To learn more, you can check out guides from our team at WeLoveDoodles:
- How To Train an 8-Week Old Goldendoodle Puppy
- Do Goldendoodles Smell Bad and Stinky?
- Best Dog Brush For a Goldendoodle
You can learn more about a Goldendoodle’s coat by watching “Goldendoodle Puppy Coat Types” from Ozark Mountain Goats down below:
Andy is a full-time animal rescuer and owner of a toy doodle. When he’s not saving dogs, Andy is one of our core writers and editors. He has been writing about dogs for over a decade. Andy joined our team because he believes that words are powerful tools that can change a dog’s life for the better.
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