Whether or not dogs can eat expired food depends on the type of food and timing. It’s usually safe to use dry dog food past its best-by date by a few weeks or months. This only applies to unused packets, cartons, and airtight containers. The case is slightly different when it comes to wet food, however.
Preservatives are added to canned foods to prevent deterioration and stop bacterial growth and mold by depriving them of oxygen and bacteria. Nevertheless, an additive’s effectiveness will decrease over time, and eventually, it will no longer be effective.
It is best to check canned food for mold and a rancid, rotten smell by opening it and checking the top layer. In most cases, rotten meat looks off-color or smells bad.
Before you read a more in-depth answer to this question, “Can Dogs Eat Expired Food,” check out: How to Cook Chicken for a Dog (2023) and Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken Breast? (2023).
Can Dogs Get Sick From Eating Old Meat?
Dogs have stronger stomachs than humans, but that doesn’t mean you should feed them things you wouldn’t eat yourself.
As a result, the dog’s stomach kills contaminants, but it does not grant invincibility. When spoiled meat is eaten in large amounts, it will certainly cause stomach issues and can even result in severe reactions.
Food poisoning can therefore affect your furry friends. Dogs’ stomachs will be impacted if they eat spoiled meat full of bacteria and microorganisms. It can be very harmful to your dog to get food poisoning because it could lead to explosive diarrhea. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and eventually death if left untreated.
The symptoms of food poisoning in dogs include diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, and drooling. After eating spoiled meat, your dog should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.
What Happens If Your Dog Eats Expired Food?
You may notice that your dog has gastrointestinal issues if they eat expired dog food. Aside from vomiting, diarrhea can also occur. You should also see a veterinarian if your dog eats a lot of expired food and suffers from dehydration.
The majority of expired dog treats won’t harm your dog. The symptoms of general gastrointestinal upset may include diarrhea and vomiting if your dog eats spoiled or expired dog food. If left untreated, these pathogens, such as E. coli and botulism, can pose serious health risks.
Pet food products sold in the United States do not have to be labeled with the date of manufacture. Unopened dry food can be consumed for a year after being made; unopened dry food has a two-year shelf life.
Consult your veterinarian immediately if you believe your dog ate something poisonous.
Can You Cook Spoiled Meat For Dogs?
While raw meat is considered safe for dogs by many pet owners, spoiled meat is not. It doesn’t matter whether you keep the meat clean or not, spoiled meat should never be eaten by people or pets. If that meat is consumed, the health risks could be serious.
It is possible to cook the meat and still experience worse symptoms if your dog has a sensitive stomach. When you sufficiently cook meat, most of the bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli die.
The bacteria may still be present in ground meat compared to whole cuts since it is distributed in ground meat. It makes ground meat much more risky than, say, steaks. Saving a few dollars shouldn’t be worth the risk.
Can Dogs Eat Slightly Expired Food?
Even dog food past its expiration date can be okay for a dog to eat in some cases. It is still usually safe for dogs to consume this food even if they are on raw-food diets. The type of food we’re referring to is one that is packed in an airtight container.
You should check the date of the food and pay attention to how it looks and smells. If you feed your dog this type of food regularly, you should be able to tell if the expired food looks or smells different.
Do not give your dog any expired food — or even food that isn’t expired — if it seems like it is not fresh or has spoiled. It could be harboring bacteria that could make your dog extremely sick.
Can Dogs Eat Spoiled Chicken?
Dogs should never eat expired chicken. They can still get sick from eating spoiled meat despite having digestive systems that are able to handle it better than humans. Dogs shouldn’t be fed moldy or stale chicken. It is dangerous for dogs to eat bad outdated chicken even if it has been cooked.
Spoiled chicken can contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can result in food poisoning or cause other health issues in dogs. Dogs can develop vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever after eating spoiled chicken. It is also possible for dogs to become ill or even die if the chicken has gone bad due to toxins.
Food for your dog should always be fresh and safe. Contact your veterinarian right away if you suspect your dog has consumed spoiled chicken or any other spoiled food. Despite killing the bacteria stored in meat, toxins released by the bacteria will remain.
Dogs can quickly become sick. If you throw away valuable chicken, it can feel like a waste. However, if you feed your dog spoiled meat, your dog will suffer pain and a mess will be left for you to clean up.
How Long Is Dog Food Good After Expiration Date?
There is an expiration date or “best before” date on every product designed for dogs. This information can provide insight into a product’s longevity, just as it can for foods designed for human consumption.
The date is usually displayed on the bag or can of dog food. It is important to note that dog food shelf life and expiration dates vary significantly between manufacturers. For instance, dry dog foods can have a shelf life of between four months and three years.
Food that comes in pouches or cans, however, has a shelf life of one to five years. A dog treat’s shelf life is generally similar to that of dry food offered by the same company.
Dog food expiration dates are not indicative of the actual age of the dog food. As far as the manufacturing date of the food is concerned, it cannot be taken into account. A food’s expiration date cannot tell you when it was manufactured.
It is still possible to get enough nutrition from some of the ingredients even after the expiration date or ‘best before’ date, but the nutritional value of other added ingredients has diminished.
The preservatives in dog foods, if any, have an impact on shelf life and expiration dates. Compared to artificial preservatives, natural preservatives, such as Vitamin E, tend to break down faster. Thus, it’s not surprising that dog foods containing natural preservatives tend to last a few months less.
What Are the Symptoms of Food Poisoning in Dogs?
The symptoms of food poisoning in dogs depend on the severity of the illness and the type of toxins ingested by the dog that can determine the symptoms of food poisoning in dogs.
Dogs with food poisoning typically show the following symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Dehydration
- Fever
- Weakness
- Rapid breathing
- Muscle tremors or seizures
It’s important to seek veterinary care immediately if you suspect your dog has eaten something toxic. Supportive care may be recommended by your vet, such as fluid therapy or medication, depending on the severity of the illness. The patient may need to be hospitalized in severe cases.
Frequently Asked Questions
Kibble can still be safe for your dog to eat up to three months after its exploration date, but it won’t be as effective, nutritionally speaking.
It’s entirely possible for dogs to get food poisoning from expired food.
Typically, dry dog food will have a shelf life of 12 to 18 months.
Conclusion for “Can Dogs Eat Expired Food”
The kibble from a bag that is only just out of date can still be used for a few days after you opened it. Generally, a kibble that is still dry, not turning white and powdery, and does not smell musty is fine.
Don’t let the smell of spoiled dry food be your indicator of rotten food. Once your pup’s food starts to taste stale, he may turn it away. If dry food has reached its best by date, it should be disposed of as fungi can grow on it.
Bad food may upset your pup’s stomach if you feed it to him by accident. As opposed to food that doesn’t agree with him, bacterial infections like E. bacteria and botulism can cause severe stomach upset that can last days.
You should always use your best judgment when feeding your dog any food. Make sure it appears to look and smell normal and don’t feed them anything questionable. Also, watch for dog food recalls as these happen fairly often.
If you find this guide, “Can Dogs Eat Expired Food,” helpful, check out:
- How to Prepare Ground Beef for Dogs? (Fresh or Frozen) (2023)
- Beefhide vs. Rawhide Treats for Your Dog (2023)
- How to Cook Liver for Dogs? (2023)
Learn more by watching “These 5 Diet Changes Will Improve Your Dog’s Life!” down below:
Garrett loves animals and is a huge advocate for all Doodle dog breeds. He owns his own Goldendoodle named Kona. In addition, he volunteers at the Humane Society of Silicon Valley, where he fosters dogs and helps animals. Garrett enjoys writing about Doodles and believes that dogs can teach humans more about how to live than humans can teach a dog.
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