Crusty white dogs are a polarizing force in American society today. Some love them, and some love to hate them. But what is a crusty white dog? And why is everyone talking about them? Keep reading to find out!
Before you scroll down to a more in-depth answer to this guide, “Crusty White Dogs – Why Is Everyone Talking About Them?,” you can check out these other dog-related questions answered by our team at We Love Doodles: Best Shampoo For A Shih Tzu – Top 7 Picks! and 18 Best Maltese Haircuts – With Pictures!
What Are Crusty White Dogs?
Crusty white dogs are small-to-medium-sized dog breeds with long or curly white coats and goopy or red-stained eyes. Some dog breeds frequently associated with the less-than-savory designation of “crusty white dog” include:
- Maltese Terriers
- Haveneses
- Shih Tzus
- Any dog with a white, mangy coat and crust-rimmed eyes
Only small white dogs can fall under the category of “crusty white dog”.
Given the breakneck pace of trends on social media, it’s surprising that dirty white dogs have taken this long to come under public scrutiny. After all, crusty white dogs have been around since 6000 BC. Surely the white dogs in Ancient Greece and Rome were exceptionally crusty back then.
Who Owns Them?
The crusty white dog is associated with wealthy caucasian families. It’s the kind of dog Orange County, California, is famous for (think “The Real Housewives of Orange County“). However, crusty white dogs are popular in more than just rich, white families.
A tour through any Hispanic neighborhood (especially a Puerto Rican or Cuban one) will reveal an alarming number of pups that social media would classify as crusty white dogs.
The phenomenon of this dog doesn’t stop where one neighborhood ends and another begins. One thing consistent across all American socio-economic classes is their love for small white dogs with crusty eyes.
The Origin of The Joke
It seems there isn’t a single dog breed humans won’t mock. So, it’s only natural that crusty white dogs get their fifteen seconds of fame.
Truthfully, fifteen seconds is an understatement. The crusty white dog meme has been around since 2020, and people have been poking fun at shabby white-haired dogs offline for decades. The only notable difference between the jokes aimed at other dog breeds and those aimed at crusty white dogs is people’s disdain for the latter.
People are more vocal about their opinion on crusty white dogs than other trending topics.
To discover how crusty white dogs became the internet’s mascot, we’ll look at the origin of the phenomena, its rise to fame, and ways to mitigate mockery if you happen to be the unwitting owner of a crusty white dog.
Why Is Everyone Talking About Crusty White Dogs?
Think back to your childhood, homework, school field trips, and visiting your friend’s house, where you fearfully avoid the wet breath of their crusty white dog. No matter who you are, you’ve probably had a similar experience with a crusty white dog.
If you grew up in suburban or metropolitan America, at least one of your childhood friends (or maybe even you) probably had a crusty white dog.
Small to medium-sized white-haired dogs appear to be a favorite of families. The breeds that share these physical attributes tend to be hypoallergenic and friendly toward kids – two desirable traits for families bringing a pet into their home with children.
But the popularity of small white dogs is not confined to families. Abuelitas and influencers seem to have a soft spot for them as well.
The saying, “There’s a grain of truth in every joke,” rings true in the case of the crusty white dog. Admittedly, Maltese Terriers, Shih Tzus, and Haveneses often have unkempt white coats and beady eyes that accumulate goop or red crust.
Given their unsightly appearance, many people question these breeds’ popularity. A large portion of Americans share similar feelings of contempt toward small, white dogs because they came under fire in 2020.
Why Are Small White Dogs Described as Crusty?
If one considers the benefits of owning a crusty white dog breed, the reason these dogs frequently appear unkempt becomes clearer.
The people that purchase small white dogs do so because the dogs tend to have an amicable disposition and a hypoallergenic coat. Since small white dogs are easygoing, they’re perfect for families and elderly folks.
So, let’s break it down.
How Dogs Become Crusty
Families with children are likely too occupied raising their children to maintain their dog’s appearance. Additionally, some elderly owners probably lack the energy to groom their dogs, and financial factors may preclude their ability to hire a groomer.
Jokes aside, the common denominator is that small white dogs appear less clean than other dog breeds, partially because of their unique health problems and white coat. These breeds also experience dog tears that constantly stain their eye area.
It also doesn’t help when their tears dry up, solidify, and form crusty clumps of hair around the eyes. This can give the area a rusty color, which is where the joke comes from.
The Meme
The crusty white dog meme is said to have originated on Tik Tok in the mid-2020s. But people across America have made fun of dirty white dogs for decades.
Like most memes, the crusty white dog meme exploded because of its relatability. Most social media users have encountered a dog with at least some of, if not all, the attributes familiar to white, crusty dogs with beady red eyes (likely rimmed with goop), a fetid odor, wet, hot breath, and a mangy coat.
White, crusty dogs have even become an international object of ridicule for their off-putting appearance.
The Meme’s Evolution
The crusty white dog meme quickly evolved from criticism of particular dog breeds into a jab at people who own small, white dogs. The meme’s evolution has steadily used crusty white dogs as a cultural signifier to poke fun at socially undesirable traits.
But how can this be? According to the meme, people who own these dogs are often affluent Caucasian women oblivious to how people perceive them (and their dogs). Crusty white dog memes often construe this oblivious attitude to suggest that caucasian, affluent women are ditzy and unaware.
Social media users have also likened crusty white dogs to people they don’t particularly enjoy, like messy housemates or rude customers.
The format of the crusty white dog meme also lends itself to situational humor, where someone introduces a crusty white dog in an environment where it is unwanted. Some memes exaggerate the horror an unsuspecting party may experience when a housemate returns home with a crusty white dog.
Depending on your age and living situation, some iterations of the crusty white dog meme may resonate differently.
Although the meme is played out, it resurfaces occasionally, eliciting a chuckle from those who have yet to see the joke.
The Future of the Crusty White Dog
White dogs with crusty eyes aren’t going anywhere. There is hope, however, that the hype and ridicule will die down so the stigma of owning these dogs fades away.
The crusty white dog is a cornerstone of American society. White families, older adults, Hispanic households, and other individuals across the country all have a special love for these dogs. Indeed, the crusty white dog is a unifying force of American culture.
Even though they claim dislike, crusty white dog haters secretly relish the opportunity to exaggerate their hateful feelings toward innocent pups for a quick laugh. And even if the meme doesn’t strike you as particularly funny, its relatability makes it succeed.
Frequently Asked Questions
The breed you probably picture when thinking of a crusty white dog is the Maltese. Other breeds that fit this image include Shih Tzus, Haveneses, and any other small dog with a long, white coat.
Besides small white dogs with goopy eyes, Pit Bulls are among the most unfairly stigmatized breeds in the United States.
The average expected life span of a Maltese Terrier is 12-15 years.
How to Care for a Crusty White Dog
If you hear people snigger while you walk your Havenese, Maltese, or Shih Tzu, we’re sorry to inform you that you may be the owner of a crusty white dog. Fear not, remediation to mitigate the worst of society’s ridicule is quick, easy, and painless.
Step 1: Wash your dog
Wash your dog at least once a week and more frequently if they spend a lot of time outside. Regular baths will reduce your dog’s crustiness. Your dog will also thank you for it!
Step 2: Don’t brag to others about how cute your dog is
Don’t look for external validation about your small, white dog’s cuteness. Doing so welcomes unsolicited comments that will scar your puppy’s self-esteem.
Step 3: Groom your dog
Maintaining a dog with a long coat is difficult and time-consuming, but it’s ultimately worth it. To avoid being ridiculed for owning a crusty white dog, you should regularly brush its coat, clean out the eye area with soft tissue multiple times a day, and keep its nails trimmed.
If you find this guide, “Crusty White Dogs – Why Is Everyone Talking About Them,” helpful, you can check out these other posts from our team:
- Maltese vs Shih Tzu – Dog Breed Comparison!
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- 8 Best Havanese Breeders in California!
You can learn more about these cute dogs by watching “reuniting with my crusty white dog after 2.5 years!” down below:
Garrett loves animals and is a huge advocate for all Doodle dog breeds. He owns his own Goldendoodle named Kona. In addition, he volunteers at the Humane Society of Silicon Valley, where he fosters dogs and helps animals. Garrett enjoys writing about Doodles and believes that dogs can teach humans more about how to live than humans can teach a dog.
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