Does your dog aggressively lunge towards humans and other dogs? If so, training your dog to stop this behavior is highly recommended. Pet parents worldwide have reported their concern about their dog’s aggressive behavior and feel hopeless until they take training steps that involve a shock collar.
Aggressive behavior originates from a dog feeling defensive, fearful, possessive, and/or territorial. Most dogs that express aggressive behavior while on walks are often protecting their owner due to territorial instincts. If your dog isn’t the most popular puppy on the block or at the dog park, you can try a shock collar for aggressive dogs.
The first action you need to take is to visit the veterinarian to determine if your dog’s aggressive behavior is related to a health problem or physical ailment. Most dogs that experience pain or discomfort due to an illness, arthritis or ailments such as hip dysplasia express themselves with aggression.
Once the veterinarian confirms your dog is in good health and the behavior is not health-related you need to take the next step of training your dog to stop their aggression. One of the best ways you can train a stubborn and aggressive dog is with a shock collar.
Other articles you might like: Best Shock Collars and Best Shock Collars for Long Hair Dogs.
Can aggressiveness be fixed in dogs with a shock collar?
Yes. Aggressive behavior can be fixed with a shock collar if used properly and safely. Training your dog to change their behavior takes time, patience, and consistent training. Most importantly, all dogs are different and learn at different levels. Using a shock collar is recommended when used properly and is one of the best humane ways to train an aggressive and stubborn dog. Generally, a shock collar is controlled by a remote that is responsible for activating a vibration, beep noise, or light shock around the neck. Most shock collars are adjustable and allow you to create a setting that is best suited for your dog.
Large dogs that have more fur around their neck sometimes require a higher setting compared to smaller short-haired dogs. Use your best judgment when choosing the setting for your dog. Always start on the lowest shock setting. If you notice your dog is not affected by the shock gradually increase the setting to the point where they recognize it but don’t become overly reactive or alarmed when it’s activated.
When you observe your dog being aggressive towards other dogs or humans use the remote to activate the shock collar to distract them from their aggressive behavior. Be careful not to overuse the shock feature because your dog will become familiar with the feeling and not respond which will make the feature void and not helpful. You should also not keep the shock collar on your aggressive dog for 24 hours a day. Only use in certain training situations.
Advantages of a Shock Collar for Aggressive Dogs
- Corrects behavior from a distance
- Reduces aggressive behavior
- Ideal for when voice commands don’t work
- Affordable prices
- Provides instant feedback
- Your dog doesn’t know the shock came from you
Disadvantages of a Shock Collar for Aggressive Dogs
- Overusing the shock collar causing the action to be void
- Overcorrecting your dog that makes them confused about which behavior is suitable or not
- No positive reward system
Can shock collars cause aggression?
Dogs that are aggressive sometimes have the behavior deep-seated in their DNA. Some dog breeds are naturally aggressive to survive in the wild. The most commonly known aggressive dog breeds include:
- Dalmation
- Chow Chow
- Chihuahua
- Dachshund
- Doberman Pinscher
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Rottweiler
- Siberian Husky
- German Shepherd
- Pit Bull Terrier
While most of these dogs are friendly and loving family pets they do have DNA that allows them to tune into aggressive behavior when needed. For example, a German Shepherd is extremely good with children but if a stranger were to attempt to hurt the child the German Shepherd would become aggressive and protect the child to their fullest capabilities which includes barking and biting the stranger. Just because a dog breed is known to be aggressive doesn’t mean they need to behave that way or at least not all the time.
Some studies have revealed that electric shock stimulations from a collar can cause an increase in heart rate and cortisol levels which also cause added anxiety. A dog that becomes aggravated from being shocked can become more aggressive than the original behavior and make the situation worse.
An aggravated response from a shock collar can make your dog more aggressive and powerful in the middle of the incident. For example, if you notice your dog is being aggressive with your neighbor’s dog and you activate the shock collar but notice your dog doesn’t stop the behavior but instead increases the behavior a shock collar is probably not the right solution to the negative behavior.
Also, if your dog figures out you are the one causing the shock they might turn around and focus their aggression towards you which can lead to disaster.
If you notice your dog becomes more aggressive from a shock collar, stop using it immediately and consult with a professional dog trainer for further assistance.
Is an e-collar cruel for dogs?
Many pet parents can’t even think about harming their dog in any way especially shocking them around their neck. The use of a shock collar is often the last resort for pet parents who are having a difficult time training their dog to stop their aggressive behavior.
The good news is, the word “shock” is often used to scare and intimidate pet parents from using the product. The truth is, e-collars or shock collars don’t actually use electrocution and it doesn’t cause pain.
The pet industry and manufacturers of e-collars have carefully designed functional collars that are used humanely. Dogs only feel vibrations that stimulate the nerves and sensory receptors. While the vibration of the collar does create discomfort it doesn’t cause severe pain or damage to your dog.
The vibration is designed to distract your dog from their aggressive behavior and cause them to stop. Once they notice the feeling of vibration dogs often calm down and stop the behavior because they wonder what the feeling was not because they are in severe pain.
Pet parents will always debate if e-collars are cruel or not and it’s your decision to use one on your dog. Sometimes an e-collar, also known as a shock collar, is a helpful training tool that only needs to be used until your dog improves their behavior.
If you are afraid of using an e-collar on your dog, it’s best to learn more about them before making your decision. Generally, e-collars are safe and effective when used properly. E-collars are available in a variety of styles and models. Always read the instructions specifically relating to the model you choose to ensure it’s used properly.
Some pet parents will debate when they see you using an e-collar on your dog while others won’t say anything. E-collars often mimic the surprise feeling a canine mother creates when disciplining her young pups. Have you ever noticed a mother dog snip at their pups to stop them from doing something dangerous or to teach them a specific behavior or routine? This happens naturally and since you are now your dog’s mother/father it’s your responsibility to teach them right from wrong.
E-collars are surprisingly comfortable for your dog to wear and easy to use. Always use discretion when activating the collar to ensure your dog doesn’t become immune to the vibration.
Aggressive dogs often learn that behavior along the way and need to be corrected immediately. If you want to use an e-collar on your dog but don’t feel comfortable using it yet, contact a professional trainer that will come to your home to teach you how to use the shock collar properly and boost your confidence.
A professional trainer will also offer additional advice that specifically relates to your dog’s behavior. With consistent training and a lot of patience, your dog will say goodbye to their aggressive behavior and live a happier life.
Once the aggressive behavior is corrected using the e-collar you won’t need to continue using it unless there are moments when your dog will revert to their old ways. However, most dogs continue with their behavior pattern.
Conclusion for How to Use a Shock Collar for Aggressive Dogs
Just imagine your aggressive dog that scares people and other pets so much they walk to the other side of the street to avoid getting near you will soon become a favorite playmate at the dog park and on their walks around the neighborhood.
Using a shock collar is easy and effective on aggressive dogs. It also helps prevent you from trying to interfere between two dogs during an aggressive confrontation. Many pet parents have reported getting hurt or bitten by their own dogs because they interfered in aggressive behavior. A shock collar is used remotely so you don’t need to be in danger but still discipline your dog so they correct their behavior.
Once you use a shock collar on your dog for a few weeks you should notice an improvement in their behavior. Some dogs take longer to learn than others but if there’s no changes or improvements in your dog’s aggressive behavior after 6 weeks, consult with a professional dog trainer for help.
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Garrett loves animals and is a huge advocate for all Doodle dog breeds. He owns his own Goldendoodle named Kona. In addition, he volunteers at the Humane Society of Silicon Valley, where he fosters dogs and helps animals. Garrett enjoys writing about Doodles and believes that dogs can teach humans more about how to live than humans can teach a dog.
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