Take a look at your Poodle’s coat? Is it shiny and thick or dull and greasy? The quality of your dog’s coat depends on your Poodle’s internal health. But there’s also lots you can do in terms of using the best grooming products. In this review, we picked our top 6 Poodle conditioners, but we also delved deeper and opted only for those that were cruelty-free and 100% biodegradable.
Fido Friendly magazine adds that “One of the biggest challenges that consumers face is how to distinguish between cruelty-free products and ones that have been tested on animals. Adding to the frustration and confusion, when it comes to cruelty-free products are terms most commonly used such as “not tested on animals,” “greenwashing,” “vegan,” “organic,” and “natural.”
You may think that you’re purchasing a brand that’s cruelty-free, yet many of these “cruelty-free” brands have parent companies that test on animals, and indirectly support them. Being cruelty-free means that nothing from the product has been tested on animals, neither the ingredients, nor the product.”
In our reviews for the 6 best dog conditioners for Poodles, we’re going to help you purchase products that work well and are cruelty-free. This will not only save you time, but money as well.
In a rush? Here are the top picks!
- Pros
- Crafted with highly concentrated natural botanicals
- Formulated with vitamin E to protect and revitalize skin and fur
- Made-in-the-USA from the same all-natural botanical extracts as the Paul Mitchell brand for humans
- Tested on humans first (not animals) Ph balanced for pets
- Helps improve dry and wet combing
- Enhances overall manageability of Poodle's coat
- No parabens, no animal ingredients, no phthalate
- Cons
- None, we really like this conditioner
John Paul Mitchell is a cruelty-free, eco-friendly line of hair products for pet parents and pets. John Paul DeJoria is the co-founder of hair care company John Paul Mitchell Systems. They also carry sprays, conditioners, pet wipes, and pet shampoos.
The formula features a soothing sensitive skin formula that moisturizes and revitalizes dry skin and fur. In addition, John Paul Mitchell products feature gentle and healthy ingredients with no animal testing whatsoever.
This particular dog conditioner not only soothes but moisturizes your Poodle’s skin. It features a light and refreshing almond scent that will leave your Poodle’s fur smelling fresh and keep fur tangle-free after bathing. We like this conditioner because it is a gentle oatmeal conditioning rinse for dogs and cats. Overall, we rated the John Paul Mitchell the best conditioner for Poodle hair. It’s affordable and works extremely well.
- Cruelty-free & eco-friendly (no animal testing)
- Affordable for multi-pet homes
- Sensitive skin formula
- Botanical formula
- All products made in the US
- Pros
- Affordable for multi-pet homes
- Revitalizes hair & skin
- Salon-quality dog conditioner
- Remoisturizes, releases undercoat, loosens tangles, and helps eliminate static.
- Will not wash off flea and tick topical products if used per manufacturer's directions.
- Crafted with omega 3 & 6 fatty acids & vitamin E
- Cons
- They only have two sizes. If you have a Poodle, you're going to be using a lot of conditioner.
The Coat Handler is an all-purpose coat conditioner that works wonders on your Poodle’s coat. Every batch is small-batch crafted. This dog conditioner can be used on all breeds and helps moisturizes, release the undercoat, loosens tangles, and helps eliminate static 24/7.
This Poodle conditioner can also be used as a leave-in conditioner for deep conditioning or rinsed out. This is another cruelty-free product that is also 100% soap-free and biodegradable. This conditioner will also not wash off flea and tick products. This product is also manufactured in the United States. This was the second-best dog conditioner for Poodles, and we really liked using it! Here’s the takeaway:
- Made with natural ingredients
- 100% biodegradable, soap, and cruelty-free
- Used by Professional pet stylists and show breeders for over 30 years all around the world.
- Almond fragrance
- Every batch is handcrafted.
- Pros
- pH balanced
- Crafted with oatmeal, honey, beeswax, and green tea extract
- Features cruelty-free and free of fragrances, sulfates, colorants, and harsh chemicals
- Moisturizes and nourishes as a Care Plus pet product line
- Softens coat and skin
- Beneficial for Poodles with dehydrated skin
- No petrolatum
- Beneficial in restoring natural skin oils and reducing static electricity
- Helps in detangling coat
- Crafted to add a high sheen to Poodle's coat
- Cons
- The bottle is small. It really only lasts 3-4 washes for a standard Poodle.
With over 5,000 positive ratings, Burt’s Bees for dogs conditioner is formulated without sulfates. It’s also another 100% cruelty-free pet product that’s made with no added fragrances, and that’s safe to use on your Poodle.
Burt’s Bees has been around since 1984 and uses natural ingredients to create pet products that are nourishing and healing. We like Burt’s Bees for dog’s conditioner because it’s crafted with a veterinarian recommended formula. The ingredients naturally infuse your dog’s coat leaving it silky and shiny.
- Crafted with coconut oil
- Vet recommended formula is pH balanced
- Affordable for multi-Poodle homes
- Uses only natural & safe ingredients for optimal conditioning results
- Colorant free, sulfate-free, & cruelty-free
- Pros
- Non-toxic & gentle
- Ph- balanced for pets
- Recyclable bottle
- Features no soap, no gluten & no DEA
- Vanilla & almond fragrance to combat doggie odor
- Effectively detangles, enriches, and revives your Poodle's coat.
- Brings out natural luster and brilliance in a dog's coat naturally
- Will does not wash off topical flea applications
- Safe to use on pups over six weeks.
- Cons
- None, we use this one regularly for our dog. It comes in a 1 gallon size if these are too small.
Earthbath pet products have been around since 1995 and are also a cruelty-free line made in the US. This company was founded by Paul Armstrong in San Francisco, who first came up with a natural and effective pet shampoo.
All their pet products are specially formulated to meet your Poodle’s everyday needs from cleaning to conditioning, even itch relief, skin sensitivity, and doggy odor. All their formulas use less water in the manufacturing process. This company also focuses on efficient shipping methods and reducing its carbon footprint.
We like Earthbath because their products are crafted with natural ingredients and are formulated with renewable plant-derived coconut-based cleansers, essential oils, and excellent extracts. All their products are people tested, and pet approved. This product has over 2,000 positive reviews and is a “happiness” guarantee product. If you’re interested, they also have a shampoo and conditioner set for Poodles. Here’s the takeaway with Earthbath.
- Cruelty-free & made in the US
- Natural organic ingredients like colloidal oatmeal, organic aloe vera & organic shea butter
- No artificial colors
- Non-toxic, paraben & sulfate-free, phthalate-free, and phosphate-free.
- Vegetable-derived conditioner & detangler
- Affordable
- Pros
- Clean, fresh scent
- Sea air fragrance that's not overwhelming
- Crafted with essential oils
- De-tangles and de-matts
- Highly concentrated
- Moisturizes and enriches dog skin
- Allows for the coat to be easily groomed
- Cons
- A little bit more expensive, but also highly concentrated so you get more washes.
Bobbi Panter pet products are salt and tear-free. They’re also cruelty-free, and all their ingredients are gentle enough for everyday bathing and conditioning. This line is used by pet groomers and pet parents throughout the US and helps solve itchy, messy, scratchy, and even stinky dog coat issues.
The conditioner features oatmeal, chamomile, rosemary, and aloe vera. It is also high in essential oils that penetrate the skin and fur. This is a great product to use in combination with the Bobbi Panter shampoo that’s crafted with sea nutrients, kelp, rosemary, and aloe vera gel to restore moisture to your dog’s skin. Here’s the takeaway with Bobbi Panter dog conditioner:
- Cruelty-free and made in the US
- Priced well
- Crafted with safflower oil, keratin, shea butter & vitamin B5
- Safe for cats as well
- pH balanced
- Tear-free and salt-free
- Pros
- Safe & gentle on your Poodle's coat
- Non-toxic & no chemical foaming agents
- Chemical, sulfate, fragrance, and dye-free
- Moisturizes & soothes
- Suitable for dogs with seasonal allergies
- Crafted with organic oatmeal extract
- Fragrance-free & hypoallergenic
- Cons
- The highest priced conditioner on our list per fluid ounce.
Pura Naturals Pet is dedicated to delivering the highest quality products using only the best ingredients that Earth has to offer. Their product development team works tirelessly to find better ingredients, create more effective formulas, and develop innovative products.
All their pet products are US manufactured in environment-friendly practices with high-quality standards and strict guidelines. We like this company because it uses plant-based foams and plastics.
Everything is biodegradable with fillers that feature natural properties like rice hulls. Pura Naturals Pet is also the winner of 4 Family Choice Awards, including their shampoo and conditioners and their pet ear cleaning system, flea and tick natural shampoo, and organic dental solutions. Here’s the takeaway with Pura Natural Conditioner:
- Cruelty-free & organic
- Hypoallergenic & fragrance-free
- Will not affect flea & tick treatments
- Organic & made in the US
- Crafted with food-grade ingredients.
Cruelty-Free Poodle Conditioners
The great news is that as consumers, we’ve come a long way with large businesses recognizing the importance of purchasing cruelty-free products. In our review, we’ve added John Paul DeJoria products, co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems, who revolutionized the professional salon industry by banning animal testing for his line of hair products thirty years ago.
All John Paul Mitchell Systems hair and pet products are cruelty-free. Most are also vegan and do not feature any animal ingredients or by-products. John Paul Pet actively supports programs that benefit animals, including Best Friends Animal Society, Morris Animal Foundation, PAWS, and others.
Unfortunately, today we still see plenty of products that are tested on animals. Among those are cosmetics, personal care, pet products, and component ingredients still being tested on thousands of animals worldwide in inhumane and unnecessary means.
“To date, the Leaping Bunny Program has certified over 1,000 companies who have pledged to not test ingredients, formulations, and finished products on animals. In addition, we require companies to be open to independent audits and to recommit to our program annually,” explains Kim Paschen, Program Manager, Leaping Bunny via Fido Friendly. “Pet parents should pay particular attention to purchasing products free of animal testing. So many of the animals we consider pets, like rabbits and guinea pigs are still subject to testing, and these animals are no different from the ones we love.”.
Poodle Coats
The best conditioners for Poodles are crafted specifically for single, curly coats. They will also enhance the natural color of the fur, not dye your Poodles fur.
If you’re concerned about shedding, Poodles don’t shed as much as other breeds. Nonetheless, female Poodles that have not been spayed will shed much more during each heat cycle.
To combat this, you should opt for a specially formulated dog conditioner for excess shedding. Poodles shed dander approximately every ten days but don’t shed as much dander as other dog breeds.
Some Poodles are allergic to their dander. With Poodles having gloriously thick and curly coats, the dander can reside on your pup’s skin without you even noticing it. It can also result in skin irritation. Today, there are so many dog conditioners on the market to help you control pet dander.
Puppy & Adult Poodle Coats
When grooming Poodles, regular bathing is a must. You should also remember that puppy Poodle coats and adult Poodle coats are different, with pups having wavy coats and adults having curly coats.
Miniature and Toy Poodles will start changing their coats at around nine months as they switch over to their adult coats. When your Poodle is around 18 months, they will have their adult coats. Sometimes this may take as long as 24 months.
During this time, you’ll find that managing their coats is difficult since they may become easily matted. Mats damage coats and need to be trimmed off if they cannot be worked through by hand.
That’s why daily grooming with a pin brush is so essential for Poodles, most especially during this stage. Afterwards, your Poodle’s coat will be much easier to take care of.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) adds that “Unless you plan to keep your Poodle clipped in a short trim, you will need to learn how to brush him daily to keep his coat from matting. If you do not brush and comb a full-coated Poodle completely to the skin, the hair will mat near the roots and will have to be shaved off to start all over with new growth.”
Choosing a Conditioner for your Poodle
There are numerous conditioners on the market, and choosing the right one for your Poodle can involve trial and error, not to mention the cost. Generally, a mild conditioner will do the job nicely. For example:
- You can enhance your Poodle’s coat color by opting for a shampoo and conditioner made for particular color coats.
- Shampoos and conditioners formulated for curly or wavy coats are beneficial in making post-bath grooming easier. They also reduce hair breakage that can occur when combing your Poodle’s coat out.
- If your Poodle has skin allergies or sensitive skin, mild, hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner specially designed for sensitive skin can help minimize sensitivity.
- If your Poodle has hot spots, you should reach out to your veterinarian for a medicated shampoo to best deal with the problem.
- If your fur baby has sensitive eyes, opt for “tearless” shampoos.
- If your Poodle is prone to fleas, opt for flea shampoos with botanical oils.
- Opt for conditioners that soothe, reconditions, and moisturize. If the conditioner features anti-static ingredients, this will repel dirt and dust.
- Shampoo and conditioner combos also work well but don’t compare to leave-in or spray-on conditioners.
Poodles do well with a coat conditioner that’s applied to their skin after bathing. This keeps the coat soft, tangle-free, and healthy. There are plenty of high-quality dog conditioners to choose from that are crafted with anti-static compounds to prevent hairs from becoming static flyaway hair. If you find a conditioner with essential oils, this is beneficial for deep gloss and shine. It will also enrich your Poodle’s coat color.
PABA Ultraviolet Sunscreen
When choosing a conditioner for your Poodle, you should try to find a brand that features PABA ultraviolet sunscreen. This will protect your pup from ultraviolet radiation when you’re out for walks during the day.
Conditioners are crafted with protein to aid in rebuilding and restructuring your dog’s coat in the same way that conditioners work in humans—the conditioners bond to each hair shaft. Conditioner also adds body and maintains manageability and body.
Poodles are a wonderful family dog breed and range from small to large. They’re well-known for their soft fluffy curly coats. If you’re recently adopted or purchased a new Poodle fur baby, here’s the takeaway on our top 6 conditioners picks for Poodles.
Conclusion for the Best Conditioner for Poodles
If you neglect bathing your Poodle regularly, your dog will suffer. His fur will matt and tangle and it may need to be shaved off. Dogs that are not bathed frequently may be prone to parasites, sores, and itchy skin from dirty coats. Because coat textures vary among different breeds, it’s essential to take note of your specific dog’s breed’s grooming requirements. Professional groomers can be a great help for Poodles because they have high-maintenance coats. Grooming and clipping your Poodle can become intensive, especially if you opt for elaborate grooming styles.
When choosing a conditioner for your Poodle, you should opt for a reputable brand that reduces shedding, moisturizes, and uses healthy ingredients that are not animal tested. Fatty acids and aloe vera help to maintain healthy skin and coat.
Some dog conditioners are geared toward dry skin and relieving itchiness. After using them, you’ll see an improved coat texture that feels thicker. Dogs should never use conditioners with inferior or artificial ingredients. As usual, if your Poodle fur baby is suffering from a skin issue or hot spots, reach out to your vet.
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Dr. Sabrina Kong graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in England in 2016 and has been working at a small animal clinic in Northern California since then. She grew up in the Bay Area and got her bachelor’s degree from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She also became a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner through a program at the University of Tennessee.
When she isn’t in the clinic taking care of her four-legged patients, she enjoys traveling and trying new foods with her friends and her three-legged dog, Apollo. She adopted Apollo from her clinic when he was a puppy with numerous health issues. Dr. Kong truly cares about taking care of animals.